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Kickin’ Off Our GeekIT Monthly Giveaway!

It’s football season and i-Tech wants to help you kick it off in style! OK, so maybe it’s already mid-season, BUT, there are still plenty o’ beverages to drink, grilled food to eat, and tailgates to join until the end of the season!   [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URnpzfg32Iw&w=560&h=315] Imagine how much cooler this bottle opener would be […]

Lend Your Ear…to These Awesome Podcasts

OK, so podcasts may have been around for nearly a decade now, but only recently have I decided to jump on the podcast train. And let’s just say, I am loving the treasure trove of information, entertainment, and insight it has brought me. Plus, listening (or even half-listening) to podcasts at work seems to keep […]

The Magical “T” & Mac Love

Let me tell you a secret that I’m surprised more people don’t know…The ‘T’ key on a Mac keyboard is magical! I know it sounds strange, and no, when you press it there is no pixie dust. But, this is one special key and when I tell you what it does you might just go […]

Next Generation Collaboration: How Video Conferencing is Revolutionizing Local Government

We’ve all probably participated in a video conference – even if only to view a webinar or presentation. But sometimes it’s hard to picture the value of video conferencing beyond that simple application. But unless you see unified communications in action, the concept is hard to get your arms around. Sure it helps people communicate […]

Let’s Put that Emergency Notification Plan Into Place Today!

 During our next webinar, we will be hosting Singlewire as they share how to implement a mass communication and emergency notification solution…just in time for hurricane season! I came across the Orlando Sentinel‘s blog, “Ken Kaye’s Storm Center,” and according to Phil Klotzbach, a Colorado State University climatologist, expects five hurricanes, including two major ones with […]

Making the Move to BYOD, Pt. 2

In my last post I discussed the move to BYOD in the workplace and the first steps to get your company in the right direction. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Srfz56rr1gc&w=560&h=315] To follow-up where that blog left off, I thought it would be helpful to share a recorded webinar we did recently called, “Secure BYOD & Wireless Solutions.” You can view […]